Client:Mantle Oil & Gas & Grand Gulf Energy (Australia)
Location: South Louisiana (Napoleonville), U.S.A
Markets: Energy | Transportation | Industrial
- On land oil well Blow-Out Preventer (BOP) failure at completion
- $2M+ crude reserve loss
- 6M+ sugar cane crop loss
- Imminent risk to sensitive recreational lakes & wetlands
- 5M+ tenant farmer & land owner lawsuits
- Multiple class action lawsuits (tort)
- Dual agency violations & extensive fines/penalty
- Extensive natural resources damage on and off leased property
Decimated cane crop and crude
Aftermath of the well blowout
- Containment, reclamation, & expedited site characterization for released reserves via comprehensive Environmental Due Diligence
- Innovative Environmental Engineering solutions to control crude release & manage contaminated media
- Employed tenant farmers & local equipment and resources to manage high costs
- Utilized plants (phytoremediation) to meet aggressive Remediationobjectives; conducted ongoing Industrial Hygienemonitoring to demonstrate effective controls
- Provided Litigation Support and expert witness to control losses & drive fact-based defense
- Zero permeant loss of available farmland for future use
- Zero removal of surface/subsurface soil to landfilling or off property disposal
- 100% use of natural and “green” Remediation methods
- Maximum recovery of 10s of thousands of released reserves for beneficial use & control of wastes to minimize loss
Remediation and successfully replanted cane field
Ground zero and runoff retention